Join the party Oct 28th from 9pm-1am. Tickets are 10 dollars. DJ Roy is on hand and there are prizes for best costumes.
Read more here.
Valley East Lions Spaghetti Fundraiser October 20th
The Valley East Lions Club is doing a Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser on Friday October 20, 2017. The profits of which will go to “Whinnying In Life”. In July, there was a fire at the farm where “Whinnying In Life” is located. Although they did not lose any livestock they did lose buildings and equipment. They are in need of funds to get their pony cart ride program back up and running. Please join us in helping to support this good cause.
Centennial Grant Funding Available for A5 Clubs
District A5 has received a Centennial Grant of a little over $2,000. Clubs can apply for a portion of this grant for items purchased for Centennial items such as flags, benches and other items for your club centennial projects.
Please send a copy of your invoices for items purchased to Lion Governor Steve Olsen no later than October 31,2017 to qualify for a portion of the funding. No more than 80 percent of an item qualifies. eg. flag cost $50 therefore maximum funding would be no more than $40.
Lion Governor Steve will divide the $2,000 funding among the applications received by October 31st.
I would like to thank the clubs for participating in our Centennial and encourage you to take advantage of this funding that will help your club during our Centennial celebration.
Yours in Lions,
Lion Andy McRae
A5 Centennial Chair
30th Year for the Lions PEACE POSTER & ESSAY CONTEST

Lakkana Meepara
13 years old
This is the 30th year that we have held the Peace Poster Contest. Please come on board by submitting a Poster for judging at the District level. The theme for this year is ” The Future of Peace”.
Students who are 11, 12 or 13 by November 15, 2017 are eligible to participate.
Kits are available until Oct.1 at a cost of $11.95 U.S. plus tax.
Email: or Fax your order to Club Supplies Sales Department at (603) 571-0964.
This kit contains all the materials.
Reminders: Clubs must send their winning Poster to the District Governor by November 15. Rules for the Art work is outlined in the kit. The District A5 Winner receives $250 and a plaque. The MDA Winner receives $1000 and a plaque. Visually impaired students are encouraged to participate in the Peace Essay contest. See the kit for more details. Here is where you can read the 2016 winning essay.
Thanking you for your assistance,
PDG Lion Ellen Fletcher
Peace Poster/ Peace Essay Chair
Lions of Canada Fund for LCIF
LCIF – Lions Clubs International Foundation – the world’s largest charitable foundation – OUR FOUNDATION – works with World Health and other pharmaceutical groups who provide assistance, drugs at cost and receives support from other large foundations.
LCF/LCIF – Lions of Canada Fund for LCIF is the Canadian arm of LCIF and donors receive a Canadian tax receipt – the amount is converted to US dollars and credited to the individual at LCIF – when $1,000.00 US has been reached, a subsequent MJF award (pin) requested – not automatically provided.
A5 has received far more in grants for medical equipment, etc. over the years than we have donated – we encourage our Clubs to financially support LCIF – we are part of a worldwide organization. Fortunately we don’t routinely experience major disasters – however, we are only a hot dry summer away from a major forest fire, or tornado.
PDG Lion Grace Kingsnorth
LCIF Committee Chair
PS – Every Governor in areas hit by both Hurricane Harvey and Irma as well as Mexico for Hurricane Katia and the earthquake, has been able to ask for a $10,000.00 emergency grant; and each Multiple District Council will have asked for a ‘major disaster’ grant from LCIF – that’s Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and all of the Caribbean Island in addition to the requests from other areas in the world who have suffered recent storm related catastrophes in the last month.
Fall 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the new Lions District A5 Website
We are happy to have you here
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