New Liskeard Lions Donate a Chair Climber to the Temiskaming Hospital

New Liskeard Lions have always been  great supporters of their community and they have done it again.  The Lions donated a “Stair Climber Chair” to the Temiskaming Hospital for use in patient transport.  This innovative chair actually “walks” up the stairs to safely lift patients that cannot do the stairs on their own.  The cost of one chair is $13,000.00 and the Lions gladly helped the hospital by purchasing this.

In the picture from Left:

Lions Manju Dangalle, President David Lowe, Alf O’Reilly & Ron Sutton, Temiskaming Hospital Foundation representative Chrissy Trudel

New Liskeard Lions BBQ Fundraiser

New Liskeard BBQ, fundraising.  They have recently lost one of their major fundraisers and are having BBQ’s to try and help make up with this loss.  Fundraisings are especially important to the Lions clubs in order to help their communities.  Some of the beneficiaries of the New Liskeard Lions include a Lions youth Hockey team, donations to the hospital, helping out individuals.

Here’s hoping to lots of good weather for your BBQ’s over the summer.

The 1st hot dog sale went to Michael Davy, owner of the Davy’s Independent Grocers in New Liskeard.

Lion Eric Campsall from New Liskeard Lions Club Achieves Two Milestones

It is not every day that someone celebrates their 100th birthday.  This is a great milestone that not only deserves to be celebrated, but also recognized.  Lion Eric Campsall celebrated his 100th birthday at Ali’s restaurant in New Liskeard with a drop in for friends and family.  Over 115 people signed his guest book and Lion Eric was able to renew old acquaintances and make some new ones.  But Lion Eric didn’t just have this birthday to celebrate, he also is a 77, yes I said 77 year active member of the Lions.  What an unbelievable achievement in this day and age.

Lion Eric was born in 1924 and has seen a lot in his 100 years.  The great depression, world war II, 2 pandemic, multiple Prime Ministers, the Apollo moon landing, woodstock and many other world events.  The year that Eric was born was also the year that the 1st club in Northern Ontario was opened in Sudbury, Ontario.  Lion Eric joined the New Liskeard Lions Club in 1947, when the club was only 2 years old, at the ripe old age of 23.  He has worked tirelessly for the Lions doing anything and everything he could for his community.

Per Lion Club International President Dr. Patti Hill, “Through your dedication for 77 years, you have set the example for your fellow Lions and Leos to follow.  Your hard work has improved the lives of others and your commitment to service ensures that many more lives will be positively impacted in the years to come.”  Lion Eric is only one of seven people in the world to have over 75 years of service.  He received a special certificate, flag and pin from International in recognition of historic event.

Thank you to Lion Eric Campsall for inspiring all of us to do more for our communities and maybe someday live up to his legacy of service.

In the picture from left New Liskeard Lions Club President Lion Manju Dangalle, Lion Eric Campsall and Incoming president Lion David Lowe.

New Liskeard Lions Club Recognizes Community Sponsor

Lions not only like to receive recognition for all of the great things that they do, they also like to recognize their community partners.  The New Liskeard Lions recently recognized Mike Reynolds for his years of support of the Lions Kitchen fundraiser.  New Liskeard Lions Club operated a kitchen in Sutton Bay trailer Park during country fest each year. This kitchen was one of the biggest fundraisers for many yeara up to 2023.  Thank you to all of your years of support for the New Liskeard Lions.

From left New Liskeard lions president Manju Dangalle, Mike Reynolds, Lion Ron Sutton, and Lion Alf O’Reilly.

Back row from left Lion David Lowe, Lion Bill Brookfield and Lion Patrick Smits.


New Liskeard Lions Receive Citizen of the Year Award

New Liskeard Lions Club is the recipient of the Citizen of the Year award from CJTT FM radio.  The Lions were recognized due to their continuing commitment to their community.  Where there is a need, there is a Lion, and the New Liskeard club if the definition of these words.  Congratulations for all of your hard work year round that you do for your community.  You truly do exemplify our motto, “WE SERVE”.

Picture indicates back row from left:

Lion Alf O’Reilly, Lion Rod Brunett, Lion Patrick Smits, Lion Rory Moore, Lion Bill Brookfield, LionPatrick Lafond, Nominee Christal Lafond.

Front row, From reft President Lion Manju Dangalle CJTT Director Operations Elizabeth Allen, Lion Ron Sutton, Lion Eric Campsall, Lion David Lowe.

A5 Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

The New Liskeard Lions have once again been selling their Lion’s Easter Bunnies.  These delicious milk chocolate bunnies are a fundraiser for Lions once a year.   Since co-vid, when we did “Bunny drop offs” on doorsteps, the Lions are once again out in the community to sell their chocolate goodies.  These tasty treats were sold at the Riverside Place farmers market in New Liskeard.

Pictured: President Lion Manju Dangalle and Lion Patrick Lafond

New Liskeard Lions Donation to Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

The New Liskeard Lions Club had pledged $60,000 to the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation to be donated within five years. This donation took place semiannually. This donation of $7250 reached the $60,000. In this picture from the right are Lions Shamie Kahlon, President Manju Dangalle, PDG Alf O’Reilly, Ron Sutton, Bill Brookfield and Erik Campsall presenting to Mike Baker and Tami Caldwell from the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

New Liskeard Lions Club 2020

I’m sure when a person begins volunteering with a community organization, the last thing on their mind would be celebrating that milestone 65 years later. Such is the case of Lion Ron Sutton of the New Liskeard Lions Club. The Lions club celebrated with six of their members on the longevity of their service to the community.

Ron Sutton – 65 years, Gordon Spencer – 50 years, Keith Windsor – 45 years, Archie Brazeau – 40 years, Rory Moore – 20 years and Ron Prestage – 20 years.

That’s an incredible 240 years of service and that’s just from these few who are celebrating milestones. The impact of service in a community can’t be unvalued.

Thanks to all of these incredible individuals and all of the club members who ensure that ‘where there’s a need, there’s a Lion’.