New Liskeard Lions Receive Citizen of the Year Award

New Liskeard Lions Club is the recipient of the Citizen of the Year award from CJTT FM radio.  The Lions were recognized due to their continuing commitment to their community.  Where there is a need, there is a Lion, and the New Liskeard club if the definition of these words.  Congratulations for all of your hard work year round that you do for your community.  You truly do exemplify our motto, “WE SERVE”.

Picture indicates back row from left:

Lion Alf O’Reilly, Lion Rod Brunett, Lion Patrick Smits, Lion Rory Moore, Lion Bill Brookfield, LionPatrick Lafond, Nominee Christal Lafond.

Front row, From reft President Lion Manju Dangalle CJTT Director Operations Elizabeth Allen, Lion Ron Sutton, Lion Eric Campsall, Lion David Lowe.

A5 Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

The New Liskeard Lions have once again been selling their Lion’s Easter Bunnies.  These delicious milk chocolate bunnies are a fundraiser for Lions once a year.   Since co-vid, when we did “Bunny drop offs” on doorsteps, the Lions are once again out in the community to sell their chocolate goodies.  These tasty treats were sold at the Riverside Place farmers market in New Liskeard.

Pictured: President Lion Manju Dangalle and Lion Patrick Lafond

New Liskeard Lions Donation to Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

The New Liskeard Lions Club had pledged $60,000 to the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation to be donated within five years. This donation took place semiannually. This donation of $7250 reached the $60,000. In this picture from the right are Lions Shamie Kahlon, President Manju Dangalle, PDG Alf O’Reilly, Ron Sutton, Bill Brookfield and Erik Campsall presenting to Mike Baker and Tami Caldwell from the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

New Liskeard Lions Club 2020

I’m sure when a person begins volunteering with a community organization, the last thing on their mind would be celebrating that milestone 65 years later. Such is the case of Lion Ron Sutton of the New Liskeard Lions Club. The Lions club celebrated with six of their members on the longevity of their service to the community.

Ron Sutton – 65 years, Gordon Spencer – 50 years, Keith Windsor – 45 years, Archie Brazeau – 40 years, Rory Moore – 20 years and Ron Prestage – 20 years.

That’s an incredible 240 years of service and that’s just from these few who are celebrating milestones. The impact of service in a community can’t be unvalued.

Thanks to all of these incredible individuals and all of the club members who ensure that ‘where there’s a need, there’s a Lion’.

New Liskeard Lions Support Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

Representing the New Liskeard Lions Club, Manju Dagalle (right) Temiskaming Hospital Foundation Rep – Micke Baker (left)

Each year, New Liskeard Lions donate $12,000 divided semi-annually as part of an overall commitment to donate $60,000 to the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation. Social distancing may have limited the number of attendees that could be present, but, the Lions Clubs community spirit is still intact.

New Liskeard Lions Donate to Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

Left to right, Dangalle, Richard Males, Eric Campsall ,Mike Baker, Ron Sutton and Alf O’Reilly.  Representing New Liskeard Lions Club and  Temiskaming Hospital Foundation

On October 12, 2019, New Liskeard Lions Board presented the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation with the second donation installment of a $60,000 pledge to the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation.