It is not every day that someone celebrates their 100th birthday. This is a great milestone that not only deserves to be celebrated, but also recognized. Lion Eric Campsall celebrated his 100th birthday at Ali’s restaurant in New Liskeard with a drop in for friends and family. Over 115 people signed his guest book and Lion Eric was able to renew old acquaintances and make some new ones. But Lion Eric didn’t just have this birthday to celebrate, he also is a 77, yes I said 77 year active member of the Lions. What an unbelievable achievement in this day and age.
Lion Eric was born in 1924 and has seen a lot in his 100 years. The great depression, world war II, 2 pandemic, multiple Prime Ministers, the Apollo moon landing, woodstock and many other world events. The year that Eric was born was also the year that the 1st club in Northern Ontario was opened in Sudbury, Ontario. Lion Eric joined the New Liskeard Lions Club in 1947, when the club was only 2 years old, at the ripe old age of 23. He has worked tirelessly for the Lions doing anything and everything he could for his community.
Per Lion Club International President Dr. Patti Hill, “Through your dedication for 77 years, you have set the example for your fellow Lions and Leos to follow. Your hard work has improved the lives of others and your commitment to service ensures that many more lives will be positively impacted in the years to come.” Lion Eric is only one of seven people in the world to have over 75 years of service. He received a special certificate, flag and pin from International in recognition of historic event.
Thank you to Lion Eric Campsall for inspiring all of us to do more for our communities and maybe someday live up to his legacy of service.
In the picture from left New Liskeard Lions Club President Lion Manju Dangalle, Lion Eric Campsall and Incoming president Lion David Lowe.