Sault Ste. Marie Lions President Deb Kid presented Lion Don Cameron with his 40 year chevron.

Zone Chair 47E Lion Brenda McLay Lalonde presented at 45 year chevron to PDG Lion Ellen Fletcher, from Noelville French River Lions.

ZC Lion Brenda gave a presidential pin to Lion Leanne Furchner of Minnow Lake Lions in gratitude for all the advice and support she has given to the ZC over the past several years.

Another great story from Garson is the presentation of the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to a very deserving member, Lion Alde Bedard. Although he has not been a member for decades, he is one of the most active and dedicated members of the Garson Lions. Whatever you need, Lion Alde is there. Congratulations to a wonderful Lion.
Pictured: Lion President Jack Baillargeon and Lion Alde

Wow, has it been that long since Lion Mark Andrews joined the Lions. The year is 1973. George Foreman defeats Joe Frazier to win the heavyweight world championship, London Bridge was officially opened, Pink Floyd’s album “Dark Side of the Moon” was released, Billie Jean King defeats Bobby Briggs in the battle of the sexes tennis match, Bruce Lee dies and Lion Mark Andrews became a Lion. Congratulations on 50 years of serving your community. We all love you.
Pictured: Lion President Jack Baillargeon, Lion Mark and Zone Chair 47E Lion Brenda Lalonde