Every summer the Southeast Manitoulin Lions club hosts Summerfest which relies on many volunteers to assist. On Oct 23/18 they held a chili supper of appreciation to which all the volunteers were invited.

Every summer the Southeast Manitoulin Lions club hosts Summerfest which relies on many volunteers to assist. On Oct 23/18 they held a chili supper of appreciation to which all the volunteers were invited.
Lion Carmen Portelance serving tea to some guests.
For the fourth year, the Onaping Fall Lions ladies have hosted a Women’s Only tea.
Vendors are welcomed from the communities, however, all businesses in attendance must be owned by Women. Each attendee received a thank you gift as well as getting in on a chance to win one of the door prizes.
A sold out event! Congratulations Onaping Falls Lions ladies team.
The Minnow Lake Lions Club donated $2000.00 to the Wade Hampton House operated by the March of Dimes in Sudbury.
Wade Hampton House is a community-based setting that offers 24-hour support to individuals who have experienced a moderate to severe brain injury. The staff members work together with residents to engage them in both their personal care and on-going rehabilitation goals. The services assist residents to regain skills and pursue areas of daily living that are meaningful to them while focusing on maximizing community integration and independence.
The March of Dimes is currently raising funds for an expansion of the house to accommodate more residents.
Minnow Lake Lions donated $500.00 to Northern Ontario School of Medicine topping their bursary to $24,800.00. The bursary was initiated in 2010 taking advantage of matching contributions from the government. The payout each year is based on approximately 5% of the capital amount and allows a medical student to realize his/her dream to study and hopefully practice in Northern Ontario.
The $250 cheque presented to the Food Bank is the first of a quarterly donation of $250 from the Capreol Lions to the Foodbank as Lions recognize the important service the Food Bank provides in the community
The Diamond Centennial pin is awarded to a Lion who sponsored a new member during the 100th anniversary of Lions International and that member has remained active for three straight years.
Capreol is committed to enhancing the quality of life in their community and the community has responded by attending their fundraising Bingos, BBQs and other events. Community Pride….ROAR!
Our newest club, the Kirkland Lake Lions are off to a roaring start, helping out the Foodland grocery store clean up following a roof fire earlier this year which caused major smoke and water damage. Before opening, the store needed to be cleaned top to bottom.
The Lions stepped up to help in the store cleaning so that it could be reopened on time. Cleaning shelves are Lions Jennifer Rodgers, Karen Suykens and Jeanne Cloutier. Lion Milne Renne and Lion Karen posed for a picture in front of the Lions information table.
As a thank you for all the help, Foodland allowed the Lions to have a food drive to help the local foodbank. The Lions filled over 5 shopping carts to donate their local community.
Capreol Lions Club’s Winterfest invites families to join them for their inaugural Winterfest, for children 3 and up who are looking for a Roaring good time during the Family Day Weekend. Outdoor and indoor events are planned and are free. The Club will be selling hot dogs, cocoa, pop, popcorn. There will be prizes for the kids. Everyone is invited to come on out with your ”cubs” and play.
Congratulations go out to the Capreol Lions Club for being able to award three Centennial Pins to deserving members. President Dan had a busy night during the New Year Lions meeting, awarding three Centennial pins to members, Lion Robin-gold, Lion Mario-gold, Lion Dorothy -silver
In 2017, Lions International celebrated the 100th anniversary of Lions serving their communities.
Centennial pins are being awarded to Lions who have sponsored a new member during the Centennial and those new members have continued to be active members of the Club. The gold pin means the member sponsored has been active for 2 years while the silver pin is for the member for having been active for a year.
Bringing in new members is vital to a healthy Club and we hope to see some more people from the Capreol hopes to see even more new members from the Community join.
Capreol Lions celebrate Valentines Day with a Bingo!
Come with a sweetheart and we will give both you and them and “extra card” to play. Entrance fee is $20 and you can buy extra cards for $5. Prizes are Valentines Candy Baskets. We are planning to have a lot of fun and hope you bring your sweetheart out too!
The Onaping Falls Lions Club hosted their first free community Christmas supper for the residents of Onaping, Levack, Dowling and Cartier at the Dowling community centre. Community groups joined the Lions donating items, helping to decorate, prepare and serve the wonderful meal. Thank you community partners, Knights of Columbus, Golden Age Club, Royal Canadian Legion, Roger’s Valu Mart, Kellys Restaurant, Falls Food and churches in the local area.
A bus was hired to transport people who had no other transporation from Levack and Onaping to the dinner. Several vans brought those attending from Cartier. More than 325 dinners were enjoyed by attendees, as well as 30 take-out meals for those not able to attend.
MPP France Gelinas, Mayor Brian Bigger and Ward 3 Councillor Gerry Montpellier attended.
Each person attending received a free penny table card for prizes. The Onaping Falls Leos attended a craft table to entertain the younger set. Santa didn’t fail to make an appearance and handed out surprise bags, candy canes and gifts to all of the children.
Before the party started, the workers presented a surprise 80th birthday cake to Lion Bernadette Desbiens, mother of Lions Sylvia and Lorraine.