The Callander Lions held a bike rodeo at the M.T. Davidson Public School with great results. The rodeo is run by the Almaguin Highlands Lions Club, who brings all of the obstacles for the rodeo, as well as the ribbons, bells, reflectors, etc. The Callander Lions paid for the bells and trophies to hand out to the participants and helped to run the rodeo.
First the bikes are inspected and bells or reflectors are put on to bring the bikes up to Ontario safety code. Then the children come out one grade at a time and go through the obstacle courses. The last part, the kids have to show they know the hand signals, and if not, are taught them. Everyone gets a ribbon for participating
Later, the Principal, Heather Taylor, holds an assembly to give out the trophies to the winners in each category. A big Thank You to PDG Lion Bill Copeman, Lion Suzanne Copeman and Bill for travelling from Almaguin Highlands area to put on this rodeo with the Callander Lions. A great time was had by the Lions and the kids as well
A bit of history, the travelling bike rodeo was started 50 years ago by a Magnetawan Lion PDG Lion Earl Box and a local police officer. The Almaguin Lions has been running it for many years and this year have done approximately 18 schools in the area.