North Bay Lions Hold a Thank You Party for Lion Eli (Shorty) Jodouin

Many people have memorial services after they have passed, but not many have a “Thank You” party to celebrate all of the wonderful things they have done while they are still here to enjoy it.  The family of Lion Shorty Jodouin, as well as the Lions Club of North Bay, Golden Age Club, Elks Club and several others, decided to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Shorty with a wonderful party.

For those of you who do not know him, Eli “Shorty” Jodouin was born in 1937 in Sturgeon Falls.  His family moved to North Bay in 1941 and there he stayed.  In 1952, he had his first job as a certified electric motor rewinder at 65 cents an hour.  He continued to train and became an electrician.  In 1955, when North Bay built the North Bay Memorial Gardens, Shorty was one of the ones hired to install the electrical wiring.  He worked at the gardens for 50 years in addition to starting his own electrical business called Shorty’s Electric, before his first retirement.

While he worked as an electrician, he employed many young men from the community to train them as electricians.  Some of these men gave testimonials at his party including one man who credited Shorty with giving him a career and the life he has today.  He also employed many of the hockey players from the gardens with summer jobs to help them save up money for their schooling and hockey.

Shorty was also a popular DJ for 55 years before retiring (again).  He loved music and has written many songs, some even going to Nashville.  He was also inducted into the Nippissing Country Music Association Hall of Fame in 2011.  One of the highlights of this career according to his family is when he got to sing “Picture in a Frame” with Moe Bandy on stage.  They had the curtains closed at first and Moe sang the 1st part and Shorty sand the 2nd.  No one knew there were two different singers until they opened the curtain.  This was “Shorty’s song” from that day on.

If you are wondering what this has to do with Lions, well Shorty joined the North Bay Lions in 1967 and is still an active member after 57 years.  Although his family wants him to slow down, this is the one organization he is not giving up.  During his years as a Lion, he has been presented with the Helen Keller Award, Melvin Jones and Judge Brian Stevenson awards.  He has held positions as President, Zone Chair, Region Chair, Vice President, Board of Directors and any committee that needed his help.  He has volunteered for the clubs fundraising and community events including the pancake breakfasts, telethon, tag day, shopping sprees, pack sacks, Christmas parades, dances in which he was the DJ or his group played, and too many others to mention here.

Some things people did not know about Lion Shorty was his philanthropic side.  He was always generous with his time or donating prizes to the club for fundraisers, but here are a few things this reporter did not even know.  Lion Shorty ran dances with a small group from Redbridge, Ontario to raise money for the Daffodil Lodge at the HSN Cancer Center.  He donated his time as the DJ and they raised over $133,000.00 to donate.  In addition, he paid for tickets each year to the Country Music festival in North Bay and donated them anonymously to families that could not afford otherwise to go.  He helped to raise money for a local boy that needed a Cochlear Implant and that boy’s mother made the cake for the Thank You party.

Shorty was recognized with several certificates from the province, city and federal representatives.  In addition, the North Bay Lions also presented Shorty with another award for his long running service with TV Bingo in North Bay.  He has been working at this bingo since it started in 1969 and has only retired (again) from this after 55 years, due to health issues.

Shorty is now taking a break from all of his former groups, except the Lions.  When I visited him in the hospital recently, he was looking forward to moving into a retirement home due to his issues with walking.  However, he assured me that if he had to take the handitransit, get a ride, walk or crawl, he will still be at the North Bay Lions meetings that start again in the fall.  A dedicated Lion that all who know him, love him.  Looking forward to many more years Lion Shorty.

Lions Club of Sudbury Induct Two New Members

More inductions in District A5, but this time at the Lions Club of Sudbury.  Two new members were inducted at two separate ceremonies held at the Gerry Albert Lions Room.  District Governor Lion David Kidd was on hand for the induction of now Lion Joyce with Zone Chair Lion Rachel Southwell and President Lion Ron Lundgren.  The other induction was for now Lion Ajmerray Hossain with sponsor Frank Arnold on left and Lion Steve Brazeau on right.  Welcome to these new Lions.

Lion Eric Campsall from New Liskeard Lions Club Achieves Two Milestones

It is not every day that someone celebrates their 100th birthday.  This is a great milestone that not only deserves to be celebrated, but also recognized.  Lion Eric Campsall celebrated his 100th birthday at Ali’s restaurant in New Liskeard with a drop in for friends and family.  Over 115 people signed his guest book and Lion Eric was able to renew old acquaintances and make some new ones.  But Lion Eric didn’t just have this birthday to celebrate, he also is a 77, yes I said 77 year active member of the Lions.  What an unbelievable achievement in this day and age.

Lion Eric was born in 1924 and has seen a lot in his 100 years.  The great depression, world war II, 2 pandemic, multiple Prime Ministers, the Apollo moon landing, woodstock and many other world events.  The year that Eric was born was also the year that the 1st club in Northern Ontario was opened in Sudbury, Ontario.  Lion Eric joined the New Liskeard Lions Club in 1947, when the club was only 2 years old, at the ripe old age of 23.  He has worked tirelessly for the Lions doing anything and everything he could for his community.

Per Lion Club International President Dr. Patti Hill, “Through your dedication for 77 years, you have set the example for your fellow Lions and Leos to follow.  Your hard work has improved the lives of others and your commitment to service ensures that many more lives will be positively impacted in the years to come.”  Lion Eric is only one of seven people in the world to have over 75 years of service.  He received a special certificate, flag and pin from International in recognition of historic event.

Thank you to Lion Eric Campsall for inspiring all of us to do more for our communities and maybe someday live up to his legacy of service.

In the picture from left New Liskeard Lions Club President Lion Manju Dangalle, Lion Eric Campsall and Incoming president Lion David Lowe.

Minnow Lake Lions Man Water Station

Sudbury Rocks is a fundraising walk or run held in Sudbury each year since 2005.  This is the only race in Northern  Ontario that is a qualifier for the Boston Marathon.  This year, over 1600 registrants and 300 volunteers were present at the race to raise over $100,000.00 for the selected charity of Northern Cancer Foundation.  Amongst these volunteers, the Minnow Lake Lions manned a water station for the passing runners.

The Lions have been manning a water station for many years and come rain or shine, they are their to support the community and the charities involved.  Per Lion Keith Argent, “We had a great day for staffing the water station today, it was cloudy but by race time  it was getting sunny and warm.”  The Lions had 12  extraordinary Lions and friends helping this year.  Everyone had a great time and look forward to next year.

Pictured: back row- Heather Lashuk, Lions Rick & Janice Lashuk, Lion Sue Lacoste, Lions Shirley Ogilvy, Richard Charette & Anne Violette

Front row- Amanda Lashuk, Ryan Hickey, Lion Charline Sabourin, Lisa Charette, Lion Keith Argent behind the camera.

New Liskeard Lions Club Recognizes Community Sponsor

Lions not only like to receive recognition for all of the great things that they do, they also like to recognize their community partners.  The New Liskeard Lions recently recognized Mike Reynolds for his years of support of the Lions Kitchen fundraiser.  New Liskeard Lions Club operated a kitchen in Sutton Bay trailer Park during country fest each year. This kitchen was one of the biggest fundraisers for many yeara up to 2023.  Thank you to all of your years of support for the New Liskeard Lions.

From left New Liskeard lions president Manju Dangalle, Mike Reynolds, Lion Ron Sutton, and Lion Alf O’Reilly.

Back row from left Lion David Lowe, Lion Bill Brookfield and Lion Patrick Smits.



Each year, the Capreol Lions have one of their largest fundraisers. This includes a garage sale, plant sale and selling tickets on their annual duck race. However, this year was special for the Lions. The Capreol Lions celebrate 60 years of their club in 2024. But instead of having a fancy dinner for themselves, they held a free BBQ for the community to thank them for all of their support over the years. Hundreds of hamburgers and sausages were given out to anyone who came out support the Lions and to shop for some bargains. After all, the Capreol Lions believe in giving back to their community and what better way than celebrating their 60th with all of the community. Here’s looking forward to the next 60 years of fun and Lionism.

District A5 Backs District Governor Lion David Kidd’s 2023-20224 Project

This 2023-2024 year, our District Governor’s project was to raise money for Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer (NOFCC).  Each year, the District Governor chooses a project that they ask the clubs in the district to contribute to.  The NOFCC began in 1998 after several bereaved families in the Sudbury area started the group to help others like them that had to deal with the many issues in having a child out of town for treatment and still trying to maintain home, work and other family members.  The NOFCC provides financial assistance as well as providing emotional support to these families of children with cancer.

In 2000, the NOFCC began fundraising activities to provide financial assistance to families as well as providing them with emotional support. Although this started as a Sudbury and area program, it has expanded their support to assist families throughout Northern Ontario.  Even though it is hard to raise money for such a large area, past President Lorraine Chartier, would remind the group that “it would be too difficult for smaller communities to raise money due to their size.  She would also remind them that families living in Northern Ontario had to deal with challenges that families living in Southern Ontario didn’t have and that northerners had to stick together as one community”.  This group receives no government or hospital support and relies solely on fundraising and donations.

District Governor (DG) David Kidd, is a member of Lions Club of Sault Ste. Marie.  This past year, he asked the 52 clubs and 1100 members in District A-5, from White River to Moosonee and Mattawa to Trout Creek, to please help him with his project.  Normally the DG’s project will raise about $20,000.00.  However this year, the project took on a life of it’s own.  How many of us have not been touched by cancer and how many of those were children.  This fueled the Lions to raise a whopping $53,000.00 plus, the largest DG project in A5’s history. (since the date of the presentation, more funds have been added)

As said by DG David Kidd, “Wow. Awesome, Talk about reaching out. You couldn’t ask for more.  It’s helping everybody, It’s not just your city.”   Thank you to DG Lion David Kidd for bringing this our District and raising more awareness for the group and Lions.  Great Work A5.

Pictures: representatives from NOFCC, A5 Childhood Cancer chair Lion Jeanne Lachance, DG Lion David Kidd

Schumacher Lions Club’s Annual Awards Banquet

It was a historic night in Schumacher.

The Schumacher Lions Club held its annual Awards Banquet on June 19 in the Lion’s Den.

Not only were six awards handed out during the ceremonies, but for the first-time couples were honoured for their volunteer efforts.

The big prize of the club’s Lion of the Year Award went to Lion Jim Nault. Lion Jim, who is the incoming club president for this fall, chairs the House, Property and Bar Committee (looking after the club hall, bar and supplies), the Health and Wellness Committee (vetting applications for financial assistance requests from sick or disabled individuals) and various other committees. He has been a member of the club since 1981.

The President’s Appreciation Award went to Lion Mark Barkel. Lion Mark was selected by President Danny Ansara for his outstanding leadership and dedication to Lionism.

Four Distinguished Service Awards were handed out. The first went to Lion Dave Hopkins, who is so dedicated that he even stuffed envelops for the club while in the hospital for surgery.

For the first time ever, the club honoured couples as three husband and wife duos received the Distinguished Service Award. These couples all volunteer regularly, are always in good spirits and simply are a joy to work with. The couples were: Guy and Rachelle Kingsbury, Hans and Lisette Beimann, and Pete and Sue Martel.

Congratulations to all the award winners and a special thanks to outgoing President Danny Ansara on leading us to a banner year for service and membership growth.