Two Sisters from Bruce Mines Lions Celebrate 40 Years as Lions

Yes you read the title correctly, not one but two sisters have recently celebrated their 40th year as Lions.  These two members are from Bruce Mines Lions club, at town of less than 600 residents, is still a vibrant active club in their community.  

The awards were presented by Zone Chair 31 Wst, Lion Debra Kidd (centre) pictured here with Lion Carol Ricard (left) and Lion Mary Lou Belisle (right).  What a way for family to share their love of community and volunteering.  Looking forward to many more years ladies.

North Bay Lions Serving in Their Community

As one of our international causes, many of the clubs of A5 collect used eyeglasses to send to 3rd world countries.  The North Bay Lions club was busy packing up some of these glasses to send to Sudbury which are then sent by pallet to our Canadian shipper to send overseas.  This is a vital service as many of the people receiving these glasses have never had a pair in their lives.

Pictured left to right Lions Ellen Thibeault, Kim Ransom, Sharon Fleguel, Debra Armstrong and Glenda Chappelle.



Another important fundraiser that the North Bay Lions are proud to be a part of is the Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie campaign.  All of the funds raised go back to local charities and non-profits such as the Lions clubs and telethons.  Some of the members putting the finishing touches on dozens and dozens of cookies are Lions Ellen Thibeault, Barry Fitzgerald, Frank Perras, Bonnie Fitzgerald, Kim Ransom, and Sharon Fleguel.  What a great job Lions.

New Liskeard Lions Receive Citizen of the Year Award

New Liskeard Lions Club is the recipient of the Citizen of the Year award from CJTT FM radio.  The Lions were recognized due to their continuing commitment to their community.  Where there is a need, there is a Lion, and the New Liskeard club if the definition of these words.  Congratulations for all of your hard work year round that you do for your community.  You truly do exemplify our motto, “WE SERVE”.

Picture indicates back row from left:

Lion Alf O’Reilly, Lion Rod Brunett, Lion Patrick Smits, Lion Rory Moore, Lion Bill Brookfield, LionPatrick Lafond, Nominee Christal Lafond.

Front row, From reft President Lion Manju Dangalle CJTT Director Operations Elizabeth Allen, Lion Ron Sutton, Lion Eric Campsall, Lion David Lowe.

Garson Lions Awards to Special Club Members

Wow, has it been that long since Lion Mark Andrews joined the Lions.  The year is 1973.  George Foreman defeats Joe Frazier to win the heavyweight world championship, London Bridge was officially opened, Pink Floyd’s album “Dark Side of the Moon” was released, Billie Jean King defeats Bobby Briggs in the battle of the sexes tennis match, Bruce Lee dies and Lion Mark Andrews became a Lion.  Congratulations on 50 years of serving your community.  We all love you.

Lion President Jack Balliargeon, Lion Mark and Zone Chair Lion Brenda Lalonde

Lion President Jack Balliargeon and Lion Alde

The Schumacher Lions Club Took Part In IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s

For volunteers with the Schumacher Lions Club, supporting a great community cause is a walk in the park.

The Club was a gold level sponsor for the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s on Saturday, May 25 at Hollinger Park in Timmins. The Club donated $1,000 to obtain the gold sponsorship level.

Volunteers set up a tent in the park on the rainy morning, which was perfect for serving up Tim Hortons coffee, tea, Timbits and muffins to participants and spectators. Lions Club members also took part in the walk, including several with individual sponsor sheets to further help the cause.

The idea for sponsorship was first raised by new Lion Brian Green, who works for IG Wealth Management. Like many other fellow Lions, the cause hits close to home. Many members have family or friends who have struggled with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

All funds raised at the event are used by the Timmins-Porcupine District Alzheimer’s Society for local programs and support services.

From left are Lions Eric Beauchamp, Wayne Snider, Mike Charette, Mark Barkel, Don Gagnon and President Danny Ansara.


Schumacher Lions Eric Beauchamp, left, and President Danny Ansara didn’t let the rain bother them at the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s on May 25 in Timmins

A5 Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

The New Liskeard Lions have once again been selling their Lion’s Easter Bunnies.  These delicious milk chocolate bunnies are a fundraiser for Lions once a year.   Since co-vid, when we did “Bunny drop offs” on doorsteps, the Lions are once again out in the community to sell their chocolate goodies.  These tasty treats were sold at the Riverside Place farmers market in New Liskeard.

Pictured: President Lion Manju Dangalle and Lion Patrick Lafond