First Vice District Governor Lion Bob Lachance, District Governor Lion Sam Khoury and Second Vice District Governor Lion Jermone Lesney
Valley East Lions Roadside Clean Up & Lions Park Clean Up
It’s that time of year again. Co-vid restrictions have been loosened and everyone is out cleaning the streets. The Valey East Lions Club did their road blitz and park clean up. “A GIANT ROAR goes out to the Valley East Lions Club members who volunteered their time to the Greater City of Sudbury Roadside Clean Up BLITZ and Lions Park Clean UP!! Missing in the picture are Lion Gerry and Lion Jean. I wonder if they got “bagged” by mistake.
Valley East Lions Club Present Donation
Lions at Work During COVID-19
Submitted by: Valley East Lions Club
The Valley East Lions Club received $3,000.00 from the United Way Community Response Fund. The United Way was given the charge to administer the funds the Government of Canada had issued to assist seniors. These monies were used to purchase Metro/Food Basics gift cards. The gift cards were given to the Good Neighbour Food Bank and the St Vincent de Paul Food Bank for distribution to seniors that are registered with them.
The related pictures are attached.
Valley East Lions plant trees for 2020 Centennial

Submission by Valley East Lions Club
To celebrate the 100th year anniversary of Lionism in Canada, the Valley East Lions Club undertook a project to have 3,000 trees planted. Trees were planted on various properties of Lions family, neighbours as well as farms and the non-profit organization, Whinnying in Life. A great number of the seedlings were planted by Lions along the side of the river north of Capreol to help slow erosion.
Pour célébrer le 100ième anniversaire des Lions au Canada, le club des Lions, Valley East Lions, a choisi de faire planter 3 000 arbres. Les arbres ont été planté sur plusieurs parterres y inclus les Lions, leurs familles, leurs amis, leurs voisins ainsi que des fermes et un organisme à but non lucratif, ‘Whinnying in Life”. Une grande portion des puces d’arbre ont été planté par les Lions le long d’une rivière au nord de Capreol pour aider à réduire l’érosion.
Back to School
On August 21st the Valley East Lions Club (VELC) created a “Back to school program” for children in need, from kindergarten to college.
VELC purchased and handed out school supplies consisting of a backpack, lunch bags, crayons, pencils, etc., and included a listing of healthy snacks and suggested healthy lunches.
Part of the items available to students during the back to school program Kids getting hair cuts as part of the back to school program
Three hairdressers were on site for free haircuts, providing 18 students a fresh look for the start of school. All of this was held at the Valley East Lions den.
Overall 25 children/teens attended along with a parent. The families served were most appreciative and VELC is hoping on supplying 50 students next year.
Valley East Lions Club Chairperson for this event was Lion Sylvia Legrove-Emmell and co-chair was Lion Jeanne Lachance. An additional 8 Lions were on present for the day to assist.