76th Annual Sudbury CTV Lions Christmas Telethon

This was the 76th annual CTV/Lions Children’s Christmas Telethon for the Sudbury, Manitoulin, east of Sudbury and west to Bruce Mines area of Northern Ontario.  So many Lions and volunteers made this year the biggest year ever.  Most people don’t realize that it takes, in addition to the CTV staff, 170 volunteers to run this event each year.  That’s a lot of people and our Chair Lion Sam Khoury makes it all seem to run with ease.  This year, the telethon raised $416,000.00 for those less fortunate in the area with toys and other necessities of life.  Each year, over 18,000 children receive Christmas presents that they may not have expected on Christmas morning.  Thanks to everyone who volunteered, donated money or just watched the telethon again this year.

Lions Club of Sudbury Celebrates 100 Years as First Club in Northern Ontario

Many of our clubs are having Charter Anniversaries of 20, 50 and even 75 years.  But not many of them are making it to 100 years of service in Lionism.  Lions started in Canada in 1920, but came to Northern Ontario on September 24, 1924 with the formation of the Lions Club of Sudbury.  This year, they joined the 8 other clubs in MDA that are 100 years or older in 2024.

This Lions club has had many great effects on the Sudbury community including in the early years distributing 489,294 bottles of milk to needy and school children in 1928-1943.  In 1956-57, they provided money, materials and manual labour to restore Memorial Park in the downtown area.  They were also involved in helping to build the Lions Resource Centre for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, a disc golf course, and many other projects too numerous to mention.

They also provided many pieces of equipment for the local hospital including a RET Cam for the Neo Natal Centre at the HSN Sudbury to test premature babies’ eyes.  This was a project near and dear to PCC Lion Gerry Albert’s heart as he suffered from sight loss and didn’t want parents to have to travel to southern Ontario for diagnosis.

Another Sudbury Lions’ member, PDG Arne Ritari, started Lions in Finland in 1954.  To this day, he is known as “The Godfather of Finnish Lionism” and is honoured with the “Arne Ritari Foundation” which helps to raise money and help those all over Finland and other countries.

Two Lions from Finland, PCC Heikki Hemmila and PDG Lion Reino Laine from the Arne Ritari Foundation attended the 100th here in Sudbury.

This was a wonderful event and attended by many Lions from both Northern and Southern Ontario.  Here’s to another 100 years.

Lions Club of Sudbury Induct Two New Members

More inductions in District A5, but this time at the Lions Club of Sudbury.  Two new members were inducted at two separate ceremonies held at the Gerry Albert Lions Room.  District Governor Lion David Kidd was on hand for the induction of now Lion Joyce with Zone Chair Lion Rachel Southwell and President Lion Ron Lundgren.  The other induction was for now Lion Ajmerray Hossain with sponsor Frank Arnold on left and Lion Steve Brazeau on right.  Welcome to these new Lions.

Lions Thank Estaire Wanup Volunteer Firefighters

Lions Club of Sudbury Support Volunteer Fire Service

The Lions Club of Sudbury recognized the Estaire Wanup Volunteer Fire Department for their bravery and dedication to assisting and serving your community and the people who live there.

President Lion Gerry Corby and member Lion Sandra Del-Pivo Sauve attended the fire department to present them with a $1,000 cheque from the club.

One of the members of the Lions Club of Sudbury has a cottage off one of the roads covered by the Estaire Wanup Volunteer Fire Department. They were able to see first hand, the efforts of the small fire department, to save the homes in that area as well as assisting the MNR battle hundreds of acres of bush fires that flared up a couple of weeks prior. While the MNR fought from the air, the fire department had their pumps at the ready for use at ground level.

When the topic of new business came up, another member brought forward that a donation should be made to the Estaire Wanup volunteer fire service. This is a volunteer service. As part of our community service, it was imperative to ensure those who stand for us are able to going forward.

What the service has done in the past, is currently doing and will do in the future deserves to be recognized. We commend you for your bravery and dedication to assisting and serving your community and the people who live there.

Lions Club of Sudbury

Submitted by: PDG Lion Harold Huhtanen – President
The Lions Club of Sudbury members along with Lions Ray Emmell and Zone Chair Bob Lachance planted 1090 trees north of Capreol as part of the 2020 project,  on Saturday. Pictured are Lions members Cyril and Rachel Southwell, Frank Perras, Ron Lundgren and President PDG Harold Huhtanen. Lion Bill Beaton did make the trip however a wrong turn saw him missing in action. Also in attendance was approximately 10,000 mosquitos and black flies. Fun was had by all.

95th Charter Celebration for Lions Club of Sudbury

The Lions Club of Sudbury celebrated 95 years of serving the community of Sudbury on October 19, 2019. Special guests arrived from Alberta, Toronto and Newmarket. Congratulations Sudbury Lions. We look forward to the 100th!