Azilda Lions Keeping Children Warm

Winter is a fun time of the year for many people.  Snowmobiling, riding toboggans, skating, skiing, and other winter activities, but there are many families struggling with putting food on the table, let alone outfitting their children for winter weather.

For the past 12 years, the Azilda Lions have been running a program called “Keeping Kids Warm”.  The local schools and Food Banks assist the Lions by identifying those families who will benefit from the Keeping Kids Warm program.

The Azilda Lions club works hard throughout the year raise funds to support this event.  Many sponsors, including the Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club, Giant Tiger on Lasalle Blvd and several others helped to raise close to $18,000 this year to help the kids.

Now comes the fun part.  On a specified date, the children that have been selected and a family member meet at the Giant Tiger to shop for their winter wear.  This program provides a budget of $150.00 per child up to 12 years and $200.00 for 13-16 years old.  The children shop and get to pick items like a warm coat, mitts, boots, hats, and other stuff to keep them warm.

Since 2012, this program has provided warm clothing for over 500 children, with 92 kids this year alone.  The need gets greater every year and the Lions will be there to help again next year.

A great big thank you to the Lions and all of the sponsors and volunteers that make this program a success each year.