In A5 we have a wonderful Global Membership Chair for our district. PDG Lion Gerry Bertrand has been working hard to help bring in new members and to help the clubs for membership retention. In our large and vastly spread out district, it is hard to start new clubs and we have only had 2 in the past decade or more. We have lost a lot of our older members and getting new members has been a challenge. But Lion Gerry has worked on trying to increase our numbers. If you need someone to set up a membership drive, Lion Gerry is there no matter how far away in the North. If you need someone to talk to the clubs about membership, Lion Gerry is there. A few short years ago, our District had the most membership growth. The last couple of years, we have broken about even. If you think this was easy, it wasn’t. We had a large number of members who passed away and just retaining our numbers was a huge challenge. He has been a support to all members and an inspiration to all. Thank you Lion Gerry for all of your hard work and continued support.