On a nice warm Saturday in September, the Mattawa Lions with help of the Mattawa Fire Department put on a “funraising” car wash and BBQ. Lion Josee O’Hare with the assistance of Lion Monique O’Hare manned the BBQ with lots of yummy treats. Lions Connie Howitt, Jennifer Dool, Pauline Thibert, Zoë Forest-Cooter, and Shannon McNamara were on car war duty with the fire fighters. Did you notice it was all lady Lions helping the fire fighters? With lots of food, fun and water, the Lions raised $530 for the Club.
Mattawa Lions
Donation of Diagnostic Equipment
The Mattawa Lions are proud to announce the installation of the new Philips Digital Diagnostic in the Mattawa Hospital. This is a state of the art digital radiography system which will greatly improve and enhance the diagnosis of trauma and disease in adults and, in particular, can be the First Stop for children showing signs of Cancer. The Mattawa Lions X-Ray Imaging Room, will be a lasting Legacy to the Mattawa Lions who have played a huge part in the purchase of this equipment through their TV Bingo proceeds.