As women in Lions, we do so much for our communities, that we decided to do something for ourselves at least once a year. Out of this, the “Dream Girls” retreat was born. We all headed to Camp Caritou in Bonfield for 3 days of fellowship and fun. But what happens at the retreat, stays at the retreat, except of course the fun. That we can share.
Besides sharing stories, we also had a lot of fun games. The best one involved a multi-layer gift wrapped in paper and packing tape, gloves, a hat, scarf and a knife and fork. After donning your accessories, you had to try and remove as many layers of paper with the knife and fork before the gift is passed on to the next person that rolls a pair with dice. When these ladies play, they are in it to win it. At the end, Lion Elly Charrette prevailed in getting through the last layer and winning the prize.
The food was great and the fellowship even better. Lion Margo made homemade crepes with cream cheese and blueberry sauce that was so delicious. We may have a few years on us, but blowing bubbles around the fire is great at any age. The only man allowed at the camp was to give us ATV rides, then he had to leave. All of the ladies had a great time and we are looking forward to having this again next year with even more members attending. The women of Lions roar.