More Awards for Our Capreol and Minnow Lake Lions Clubs

The Capreol Lions Club presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Lion Richard Clouthier at a recent meeting with Zone 47N Chair Lion Jeanne Lachance.  Lion Richard is always ready to help out with anything and this award is well deserved. 

The Minnow Lake Lions presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Lion Joan Kutchaw.  Lion Joan has been on many committees and has been a secretary for the club several times.  Where it be a roadside clean-up, the garden, or helping out the community, she is always there to work. 







Another Minnow Lake member, Lion Leanne Furchner was awarded a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship.  I don’t think that there is anything this wonderful lady hasn’t done.  Well, we keep trying to get her to run for District Governor, but no luck so far.  🙂  She has been involved with many conventions , Cabinet Secretary, club Secretary, Membership Chair, many committees in the club and the 1st female member of the Minnow Lake Lions Club.  She helped pave the way for those of us after her.  Congratulations to both Lions Joan and Leanne on these recognitions.


Capreol Lions Help To Keep Kids Warm

The Capreol Lions are always looking for ways to help in their community.  Helping kids is high on their priority list especially with the winter season coming soon.  The Lions got together and went through their closets and that of their friends and came up with coats and winter gear for the kids of Capreol.  The Capreol Community Closet received this generous donation from Lion Steve Smeltzer and Lion President Julie Smeltzer from the Capreol Lions Club.  Volunteers Lynn Roy and Melanie Lavoie are pictured accepting the donation.


Each year, the Capreol Lions have one of their largest fundraisers. This includes a garage sale, plant sale and selling tickets on their annual duck race. However, this year was special for the Lions. The Capreol Lions celebrate 60 years of their club in 2024. But instead of having a fancy dinner for themselves, they held a free BBQ for the community to thank them for all of their support over the years. Hundreds of hamburgers and sausages were given out to anyone who came out support the Lions and to shop for some bargains. After all, the Capreol Lions believe in giving back to their community and what better way than celebrating their 60th with all of the community. Here’s looking forward to the next 60 years of fun and Lionism.

Capreol Lions Present Life Membership Award

Long Serving Capreol Lion Dorothy Payette has been made a Life Member of
the Capreol Lions Club. Please find attached the Photo of President Rick
Clouthier, Life Member Norm Martin, New Life Member Recepient Dorothy
Payette and Secretary Sue Zammit awarding Lion Dorothy her Life
Membership at the Capreol Lions Meeting held on February 21, 2023.

Capreol Lions Sponsors Free Skate

What is better than the word FREE?  Well, it’s even better when the word skate comes after it.
The Capreol Lions Club sponsored a Free Skate on Family day at the Capreol Arena.
A great time was had by all – kids and parents alike.  To make the day even better, the Lions provided free hot chocolate to all of those who came out to skate or attempt to skate as the case may be.  This is an annual event and much appreciated by the community.
Lion Norm was taste testing the free hot chocolate to make sure its just right. The remainder of Lions volunteers includes new Lion, Jocelyn, Lion Julie, Lion Dorthy and Lion Rick.

Capreol Lions – Capreol Cadets

The Capreol Lions are proud to announce the donation of $500 to the Capreol Irish Royal Canadian Army Cadet. The Cadets offer an excellent mentoring program where Cadets learn skills, within a structured atmosphere with training that also builds self-esteem. The Capreol Lions are very happy to have built a new partnership with the local Cadet Corp who have already helped out at one event. Lion Robin addressed those in attendance and thanked the Royal Canadian Military Officers for their service to the Country.  He also congratulated the Cadets on their commitment to the Cadet Corps. Lion Robin presented the cheque from the Capreol Lions to Donna Landry treasurer for the Cadets.

Capreol Lions in Action

Lions Julie and Dorothy presenting the Bread and Roses food bank with a cheque for $250
Lion President Dan presenting Lion Marge a Diamond Centennial pin

The $250 cheque presented to the Food Bank is the first of a quarterly donation of $250 from the Capreol Lions to the Foodbank as Lions recognize the important service the Food Bank provides in the community

The Diamond Centennial pin is awarded to a Lion who sponsored a new member during the 100th anniversary of Lions International and that member has remained active for three straight years.

Capreol is committed to enhancing the quality of life in their community and the community has responded by attending their fundraising Bingos, BBQs and other events. Community Pride….ROAR!


Capreol Winterfest!

Saturday, February 16th, 2019 from 12 pm to 3 pm at the Capreol Lions Hall at 2A Stull St. Capreol

Capreol Lions Club’s Winterfest invites families to join them for their inaugural Winterfest,  for children 3 and up who are looking for a Roaring good time during the Family Day Weekend.   Outdoor and indoor events are planned and are free.  The Club will be selling hot dogs,  cocoa, pop, popcorn. There will be prizes for the kids.  Everyone is invited to come on out with your ”cubs” and play.