The Capreol Lions Club presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Lion Richard Clouthier at a recent meeting with Zone 47N Chair Lion Jeanne Lachance. Lion Richard is always ready to help out with anything and this award is well deserved.
The Minnow Lake Lions presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship to Lion Joan Kutchaw. Lion Joan has been on many committees and has been a secretary for the club several times. Where it be a roadside clean-up, the garden, or helping out the community, she is always there to work.
Another Minnow Lake member, Lion Leanne Furchner was awarded a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. I don’t think that there is anything this wonderful lady hasn’t done. Well, we keep trying to get her to run for District Governor, but no luck so far. She has been involved with many conventions , Cabinet Secretary, club Secretary, Membership Chair, many committees in the club and the 1st female member of the Minnow Lake Lions Club. She helped pave the way for those of us after her. Congratulations to both Lions Joan and Leanne on these recognitions.