Schumacher Lions Deliver Xmas Food Boxes

Just two days after delivering $150 food vouchers to more than 500 local families, members of the Schumacher Lions Club continued to do their part to fight hunger.

A fledgling organization called FEED Canada delivered food packages to three Northern towns, including Timmins, on Dec. 23.

Led by truck driver Daniel Speigleman, 25 families received six boxes of non-perishables, one box of fresh fruit and veggies, a turkey, a ham and a bag of bread. There were another 26 boxes of fresh produce given to other families. All families involved have four or more children.

Speigleman heard of the club’s success over the years delivering food vouchers to families in need at Christmas. He asked the Lions to deliver the food packages to needy families on behalf of his group, FEED Canada.

With a generous donation of use of their loading dock by Gardewine Transport, about 25 club members gathered to load up their vehicles for the delivery. Despite heavy snowfall that day, the Lions and their helpers made deliveries to more than 50 families.

It was a great way to spread the Christmas spirit in the community.

Schumacher Lions Christmas Radiothon

Just like families, it seems communities have their own special Christmas traditions. In Timmins, the Stan Fowler Christmas Fund has been helping families since the 1940s. This year, a record was set for fundraising — $105,354.26 through a radiothon.
Lion John McCauley is in his sixth year of chairing the Stan Fowler Christmas Fund. He explained the event’s history and how it came to be administered by the Schumacher Lions Club.
“Stan Fowler was a fireman in Schumacher,” he said. “He started the fund in 1947 to help young families with children.
“As the years went on, it grew and grew. So, he went to the local Lions Clubs.”
At one time there were three Lions Clubs in the Porcupine Camp (Schumacher, South Porcupine and Timmins). They all pitched in at Christmas. “For the last 20 years or so, the Schumacher Lions have taken on the responsibility of the Stan Fowler,” he said. Throughout the decades, local media has played a big role in getting the word out to raise funds to help financially challenged families with children at Christmas.
“It started as a radiothon when he first went to major fundraising,” McCauley said. “Then it became a telethon. For the last five years, it has been back to a radiothon and it’s been growing every year since.” Radio station Country 93.1 generously donates air and staff time for the 12-hour event, which is broadcast from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
When the fund first started, food baskets were delivered to families. Today, $150 food vouchers are distributed.
One thing that hasn’t changed is the growing need for help, especially at  Christmas.

Schumacher Lions Xmas Food Vouchers

New records were set this for the Stan Fowler Christmas Fund. But they’re records volunteers
with the Schumacher Lions Club wished weren’t broken.
Chair Lion J. McCauley provided an update on this year’s fund. To date, $105,825.26 was raised.
We delivered 511 vouchers, each valued at $150. He has been involved in the program for
almost 20 years, he said this was the most people he came out to volunteer for distributing
vouchers. About 40 people, including Lions friends and family, took part. Not only did we have
the most money raised, but we had more help. He thanked everyone for stepping up to help
this Christmas.
The totals were the high because there are more families than ever needing help.
“If we didn’t have to give out a single voucher, I’d be the happiest guy in the world,” he said.
“Because then you know people are being taken care of and they don’t require this.
“Unfortunately, we’re living in a society where it’s just not feasible and the struggle is real. It’s
not just a few. It’s becoming more and more every year.”
He was proud of the support shown from club members.
“I was blown away with the amount of people. I shouldn’t be blown away because I belong to
an incredible club with very giving people,” McCauley explained. “We had more than 30 people
giving out vouchers today. We haven’t seen numbers like that in a very long time.”
Local agencies help with the vetting of requests to make sure those in need get assistance.
Vouchers can’t be used to purchase tobacco or alcohol. No change is provided, so groceries
have to be bought in one visit. Every grocery store in Timmins — except Walmart, which opted
out of the program a few years ago — honours the vouchers, which must be presented with
As long as there is a need in the community, volunteers will do their best to live up to the club
motto of We Serve.
“We’ll do our part as long as we’re all kicking to try and make life a little easier on people,”
McCauley said. “Especially at Christmas and especially with children.”

Schumacher Lions Christmas Craft Show

Every year, the Schumacher Lions Club ushers in the holiday season for Timmins and area residents. The club held its annual Christmas Craft and Gift Show from Nov. 8-10 at the McIntyre Arena.

Local residents flock to the show to see a wide variety of vendors displaying Christmas decor and gift ideas. It only costs $5 for adults to enter, with kids coming in free. This year there was about 3,750 paid entries.

There are lots of children’s activities, including an opportunity to visit Santa and have a picture taken with the jolly old elf.

Event Chair Lions Gabrielle Nault and Carrie Backer were pleased with this year’s event, which raised more than $32,000 for the club.

“We had more than 70 vendors this year, in the arena area, as well as the auditorium upstairs,” Backer said.

Nault thanked all the volunteers who helped make the three-day event a success, when delivering the final report to the club.

This is a signature event for the Schumacher Lions, with many friends and family members volunteering with Lions to make the show a success.

St. Charles Lions Club First Service Project

The Chelmsford 2023 Lions held their 1st Breakfast with Santa.  This club has only been around a short time and continues to reach out to their community.  With the help of some Lions from other clubs, the Chelmsford Lions put together this event complete with pancake breakfast, a Santa and gifts, as well as door prizes and a penny sales of gift donated by members of the community.

Although attendance was only around 50 people, this provided the Lions with the opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.  There was even a visit from a giant elf all dressed in green with flashing lights.  Other visitors were the District Governor Lion Sam Khoury and 1st Vice District Governor Lion Bob Lachance who came to enjoy the breakfast.  Santa and his elves welcomed the children to tell their wishes and receive a little treat.  Some little ones didn’t want to get off his lap.

We look forward to many more events from this new club.





A5 Zone Chair Lion Margo Oleskiw


Sometimes Zone Chairs receive gifts from their clubs as a thank you for efforts as a member of the Cabinet.  Zone Chair for 17 North, Lion Margo Oleskiw, received a coveted handmade paddle from the Ferris Lions Club.  Imprinted on the paddle is a great slogan, “if you want to change the world, get someone to help you paddle”.  We know that Lion Margo is a great Lion for getting people to paddle and work together.  Congratulations Lion Margo.

76th Annual Sudbury CTV Lions Christmas Telethon

This was the 76th annual CTV/Lions Children’s Christmas Telethon for the Sudbury, Manitoulin, east of Sudbury and west to Bruce Mines area of Northern Ontario.  So many Lions and volunteers made this year the biggest year ever.  Most people don’t realize that it takes, in addition to the CTV staff, 170 volunteers to run this event each year.  That’s a lot of people and our Chair Lion Sam Khoury makes it all seem to run with ease.  This year, the telethon raised $416,000.00 for those less fortunate in the area with toys and other necessities of life.  Each year, over 18,000 children receive Christmas presents that they may not have expected on Christmas morning.  Thanks to everyone who volunteered, donated money or just watched the telethon again this year.

St Joseph Lions Tree Lighting Donation

The St. Joseph Island Lions Club attended the annual, Mathews Memorial Hospital Association tree lighting ceremony.  Every year we read the names of Lions members no longer with us and illuminate a light for each one.  We also made our annual donation of $500.00 to the Mathews Memorial Hospital Association.  We also took the opportunity to also present MMHA with the funds raised from our 4th Annual Witches Dance of $2400.00.

Walden Lions Support the Salvation Army

The Walden Lions made their annual donation to the Salvation Army.  With all they do for the community they felt the need was even greater this year due to the Mail strike.  They challenged all clubs in our area to match their pledge.  They even had the “real” Santa come to be part of the presentation.