On October 30th, 2024, the Kirkland Lake Lions club received the delightful news that they were the chosen recipients of the ‘100 Women Who Care Kirkland Lake & Area’ award for their Compassionate Meal Service community initiative, winning by a single vote. The initial donation was a generous $6,200.00. Then, on December 12th, 2024, the Kirkland Lake Club was further honoured with a cheque for $10,200.00 from the local ‘100 Women Who Care Kirkland Lake & Area’. They are immensely honoured and thrilled to have additional funds to support their Compassionate Meal Service for those in need. Since starting this community service in July 2024, they have consistently provided 55-60 meals during each service. Starting in January 2025, their initiative will expand to assist seniors in need, in addition to the many families they currently serve. They are passionate about their service and their community!
Kirkland Lake Lions Take Part in the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle 2024 Campaign
Temiscaming and District Lions Club Were Busy in 2024
Bonfield and District Lions Club Telethon Streaming Party
Saturday, Nov 30 2024, the Bonfield and District Lions Club, in conjunction with the Lions Christmas Childrens Telethon in North Bay organized a Telethon Streaming Party. This get together was held at our Lions Den and was attended by over 40 people. With the Telethon playing on the television, a turkey and ham raffle was also held with over $1500 raised for the telethon. Lion Margo Oleskiw was the chair for this event with help from local Lions. A great time was had with the proceeds helping a very special cause.
Bonfield and District Lions Club Breakfast with Santa
The Bonfield Lions Club held their Breakfast with Santa event, Sunday Dec 8, 2024 in Bonfield. We had over 100 children attend and a visit from the jolly old elf himself. The Bonfield and District Lions served pancakes, sausages, and refreshments to all and everyone had a great time! There were photo opportunities for the families and a craft area for the kids. Lots of preparation beforehand with Lion Lori Butterfield chairing the event, and she was supported by a large number of fellow Lions
Schumacher Lions Cookie Fundraiser
Schumacher Lions had a tasty fundraiser to help feed local families at Christmas.
The club participated in the Timmins Hortons Holiday Smile Cookies Campaign for the second straight year.
Every year, the Tim Hortons chain of coffee shops makes and sells holiday smile cookies for a week. A portion of the sale of these cookies go to a local charity. Once again, the Timmins locations of Tim Hortons selected the Stan Fowler Christmas Fund, which is managed by the Schumacher Lions Club.
Funds raised for the Fund are used to purchase food vouchers to help local families in need with children buy food at Christmas. Last year, more than 500 food vouchers were distributed, each with a $150 value.
Every grocery store in Timmins participates, except for Walmart (which opted out a few years back). Vouchers must be used to purchase groceries (no tobacco or alcohol). No change is given, so a participant can spend a few dollars and cash out the rest. Participants must show photo idea when spending their voucher.
Stan Fowler was a firefighter in Timmins. He started the fund in 1947 to help young families with children. As the years went on, it grew and grew. So, he went to the local Lions Clubs. At one time there were three Lions Clubs in the Porcupine Camp. They all pitched in at Christmas.
For the last 20 years or so, the Schumacher Lions have taken on the responsibility of the Stan Fowler Christmas Fund.
For the cookie campaign, Lions paired up to work three-hour shifts baking, decorating and packaging the cookies. These specialty Holiday Smile Cookies are decorated to have two eyes and a smile put on with icing.
Two shifts of two Lions (or a Lion and a guest) each worked at two different Timmins Hortons storefronts every day for a week.
A couple weeks later, Tim Hortons presented the club with a cheque for $10,021.26.
All the Lions reported having a blast baking and decorating the cookies. Staff were very helpful in training the Lions to make the cookies.
It was the perfect way for Schumacher Lions Club members to start the holiday season.
Chevalier de Colombe Conseil 10801 Donate to the Sudbury Telethon
The CTV Lions Children’s Christmas Telethon help to supply gifts at Christmas for children of lower income families in the Sudbury region and beyond. The telethon receives no government assistance and relies on donations by individuals and businesses alike. At a recent meeting, the Chevaliers de Colomb Conseil 10801 donated $1,000.00 to the telethon to help those in need. Chairman DG Lion Sam Khoury accepted this donation on behalf of the telethon. Thank you to all of those who give each year to support this worthy cause.
Minnow Lake Donation to District Governor’s Project
The District Governor’s project this year is to raise money for the hospices in A5 District. The Maison McCulloch Hospice in Sudbury, Arch Hospice in Sault Ste. Marie and Nipissing Serenity Hospice North Bay.
Minnow Lake Lions donated $5,000 to the District Governor’s Project 2024. The money raised will be divided in portion to the 3 Hospices.
The Hospices rely on the generosity of the public to attain there fundraising goals each year to keep the doors open.
Minnow Lake Lions Donate to Inner-City House
Azilda Lions Keeping Children Warm
Winter is a fun time of the year for many people. Snowmobiling, riding toboggans, skating, skiing, and other winter activities, but there are many families struggling with putting food on the table, let alone outfitting their children for winter weather.
For the past 12 years, the Azilda Lions have been running a program called “Keeping Kids Warm”. The local schools and Food Banks assist the Lions by identifying those families who will benefit from the Keeping Kids Warm program.
The Azilda Lions club works hard throughout the year raise funds to support this event. Many sponsors, including the Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club, Giant Tiger on Lasalle Blvd and several others helped to raise close to $18,000 this year to help the kids.
Now comes the fun part. On a specified date, the children that have been selected and a family member meet at the Giant Tiger to shop for their winter wear. This program provides a budget of $150.00 per child up to 12 years and $200.00 for 13-16 years old. The children shop and get to pick items like a warm coat, mitts, boots, hats, and other stuff to keep them warm.
Since 2012, this program has provided warm clothing for over 500 children, with 92 kids this year alone. The need gets greater every year and the Lions will be there to help again next year.
A great big thank you to the Lions and all of the sponsors and volunteers that make this program a success each year.