St Joseph Island Lions Mystic Market and Wicked Witches Den







This year marked the 4th Annual Witches Dance in Support of Mathews Memorial Hospital, Doctors Recruitment and Retention in Richards Landing.  This dance originated in Germany and quickly went viral with many clubs and organizations using this fun theatrical dance presentation for fundraising as well as to entertain and lift spirits in their communities.

The Lions Club started out small with just a couple of performances in the lawn of their local hall, raising funds through donations only.  The first 2 years we raised just over $400.00.  Last year they added a canteen, tarot readers and a local animal rescue group and raised $1,357.00.

The first 3 years co chairs Carla Hendry and Patricia Duma ran the event. This year a committee of 7 lions and 3 friends of lions and for the first time, they expanded on the event.  A vendor’s market, haunted house, and spooky hotdogs were added to make this a great event even bigger and better this year.  The Witches were joined for the second time this year by the Warlocks and the groups performed 3 times that day.

What a great turnout! So many families and friends came out in costume, shopped, enjoyed the show, and got scared by the volunteers in the haunted house.  Several young people came out to help and they had a blast jumping out and frightening everyone.  What an amazing group of Lions, friends and helpers that spent long hours making this a wonderful fun event.  The event was remarkably successful, and they almost doubled last years funds, bringing in $2365!